Saturday, August 4, 2012

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

I love this quote.  I have made the decision to once again TRY!!   
This new blog will be where I go to vent, post recipes, track my progress and my failings.   (I hope not to have too many of the latter).    I was inspired by the television show Extreme Makeover: Weight loss edition, to begin my own journey.   I have all too often started and do well for a short time and then give up.   This time it is for the loooong haul!!  

Who knows where this journey will lead me, but I am prepared to walk on the path and see where it leads.   
I've packed water, my support group (my family, friends and all of you who read and comment here), and I am ready to set out.   

Destination.......a stronger, healthier and physically smaller version of ME!!    Hang on, this might be a bumpy ride!!    


  1. YAY for you, Beautimus Melissa! Take this journey one day at a time, and be as real as you can be about it with people. Your changes will inspire others to change as well. You've already got me a BIG way. Love you! Hugs from Maine!

    1. Thank you so much Myra!! Your words always inspire me and even though I am doing this for myself, I hope to help others who feel the same way or struggle in the same ways I have/do. :) HUGS right back!!
